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Sarah Valentine . Title: Photographer & Owner of sValentine Photos, LLC Photography Tech Intern at The Williamsport Sun - Gazette , Photography Intern at
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Production in Progress; sorry, but there is no new images available for January Come back around Valentine's day, and you'll be able to see something new! Related link at Williamsport Sun Gazette :
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewBut something happens on Valentine's Day, 1976: an incident that is hushed up in the town and ..... The Williamsport Sun - Gazette (Pennsylvania & USA News)
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I hope you continue to receive more pictures of the early days in Centre County who sometimes follow their demons” ( Williamsport Sun - Gazette , Sunday).
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Jil Jarmyn Pictures - Private Life and Times of Jil Jarmyn. Craig will remarry his first wife, Jane Valentine . The Coshocton Tribune, The Port Arthur News, Nevada State Journal, Williamsport Sun - Gazette , Reno Evening Gazette,
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The family moved to Williamsport in 1867, where Johannes died of typhoid fever on January 1, 1869. .... When it comes to old newspapers, old pictures , and old phonograph Grit carried a full-page ad offering Valentine cards for seven cents each. "Man of Grit: Dietrick Lamade and Sunday Grit," Sun Gazette .
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